The Orel Foundation, spearheaded by James Conlon, director of the L.A. Opera, is devoted to re-discovering Twentieth Century musical treasures that were supressed by the Nazis.
It fearures a section on relevant composers, each with a biography, list of works and recordings, as well as links to video and other multi-media materials.
There is a Performance Calendar that can be viewed either as a list or calendar grid, with a smaller grid on the home page. There is a search feature which allows for searching the entire site, with a secondary search feature specific to the Performance Calendar.
There are is also a section of frequently updated Articles and Essays, and a Discussion Board, where members can log in and start or add to conversations about the composers and their works.
The entire site is dynamic, with up-to-date content drawn from a database.
Every page is editable by the client through an administrative interface using the ExpressionEngine Content Management System.